Thank you, Dr Mcgoran!

Member First Name
| January, 23 2024 | for Craig McGoran, MD

A year ago, my husband collapsed in my arms. It was a very scary time, as my husband has always been very healthy and goes to the doctor regularly. We didn't know what was wrong with him and thought it was Covid. A week turned into two, when we finally went to see Dr Mcgoran. He told me to take my husband to the hospital right away, as he was in kidney failure. At the time, Dr Mcgoran was going on vacation. However, he texted me regularly while he was gone and even spoke with Drs at the hospital to keep updated on my husband's condition. We have been very happy with the care we have received from Dr Mcgoran, but he went above and beyond to make us both feel at ease. Dr Mcgoran worked tirelessly to find the underlying factor of medication interactions with each other and remedied the effect. My husband's kidney numbers are again back in the normal range, with no damage to his kidneys. Thank you Dr Mcgoran for all you do for us and all your patients! You are an All Star!
