As a patient, Dr Maria Lukowsky earns your trust and confidence in her medical competency

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| March, 1 2018 | for Maria C. Lukowsky, MD
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As a patient, Dr Maria Lukowsky earns your trust and confidence in her medical competency; always displays her professional demeanor; shows the care she has for every patient - which comes from her heart; and she is just a lovely person who comes from a wonderful family. I have a rather perplexingly difficult medical history (exploratory laporotomy, splenectomy, multiple elbow and shoulder surgeries, back surgeries, viral mononucleosis, gall bladder removal, two bouts of cancer, heart ablation and kidney stones. Dr. Lukowsky has proven to be my trusted advisor, highly skilled and knowledgeable in this vast cross section of medical specialties. She is well known professionally and is able to offer excellent specialist care in all areas of medical treatment - and yet you can trust that she will manage, follow, coordinate and ensure that you receive the best total care possible. Following in her fathers' footsteps (the pre-eminent Dr Gerhard Lukowsky), she has shown me the finest care possible. I can't express my appreciation for the service and personal care she has provided me over these many years! Thank you Maria - I am delighted to get this opportunity to let you know how very much you mean to me! All the best, Ron C.
