My story begins even before my doctor became MDVIP affiliated.
My story begins even before my doctor became MDVIP affiliated. I'll never forget how it started. It was Nov 19, 2010 - my son's 9th birthday... I woke up with strange symptoms - a numbness on one side and tingling... This was alarming by itself but even more magnified since I had just had an MRI of my brain a few days before and was waiting for the results. I knew the answer to these mysterious symptoms must lie in that MRI image. My husband tried frantically to contact the imaging office - no luck - I tried - still no one would help. We tried the ophthalmologist who ordered the test and again to no avail... No one was in any rush - we knew a trip to the Emergency Room might be in order. Then we tried Dr. Barnes - he immediately took us in and evaluated the situation. Through his contacts and connections he was able to get the answers we needed in a matter of minutes. It was worse than I expected - a brain tumor! The silver lining was that it was benign THANK GOD! A meningioma had wrapped around my optic nerve. Dr. Barnes could sense the level of anxiety my husband and I had and again made some phone calls and arranged for a late Friday afternoon appointment with the BEST Neurosurgeon in town. The chance of getting into see this particular surgeon on such short notice was unheard of.
After that appointment we knew surgery would be required and a long road lay ahead There would be countless doctor visits, follow-ups, treatments and monitoring. This is where again, Dr. Barnes, would become even more valuable to me. All these doctors and specialists are hard to manage it is hard to know that all the right questions are being asked and answered. I have always been concerned that the left hand might not know what the right hand was doing. I was in charge of my own health and the management of it and I am not a doctor!
When Dr. Barnes joined the MDVIP program I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this would be an ideal situation for me. He now would have the time to be the project manager for me for all these different directions my health was requiring. And that is exactly what he has been doing. It has been a huge relief to know that he is able to really look at my results and really put the time into an analysis and not just rush me so he can make it in time for his next patient. I truly feel that he listens to my concerns and offers good, sound, well thought out advice. It is not just Dr. Barnes that has been exemplary but it is his staff as well. Carolyn, his nurse, is just as easy going, knowledgeable and as dedicated as he is Even the office staff makes the visit a pleasant one. That alone has been invaluable and well worth the price of the MDVIP program.
I will be forever grateful to Dr. Barnes for the attention he gave me way back on Nov 19 three years ago and am looking forward to all the great advice he will continue to provide me in the years to come!