My Primary Physician Dr. Fred Bishop

Member First Name
| April, 6 2024 | for Frederick L. Bishop, MD

I have been with Dr. Bishop for eleven years so far! I have not looked back since I joined his office. He takes very good care of my health and well being all of these years. I am very gratified and wouldn't try to go to another doctor. He can read my mind and look into my eyes and tell how well I am doing -even before I explain what I am having trouble with. Since having heart disease and 10 stents thru the years, he is always on top of my progress and gives me encouragement and what I need to do for improvement and watch for. Believe me, I am not perfect, but I wanted a very experienced professional doctor to keep me straight as an arrow on my health and vital signs and blood tests. This day and age it is hard to get any appointment with any doctor that is going to take time and evaluation that will be extremely essential between living healthy or dying of some misdiagnose disease that is not found. I see so much of this with so many other people these days. It is horrifying! I value my health and well being to maintain happiness in the few years I have left at 74 years old. And I can be stubborn. Dr. Bishop is the one of two- Best doctors I have ever had in my lifetime. I am Blessed!
