It’s a great pleasure and privilege to write on behalf of Salvatore A. Ciliberti, M.D.

Member First Name
Dr. David
| February, 15 2014 | for Salvatore A. Ciliberti, MD

Its a great pleasure and privilege to write on behalf of Salvatore A. Ciliberti, M.D.

A major gift in my life has been the therapeutic alliance Ive had with Dr. Sal for the past 16 years, nearly a fifth of my lifetime. During this time Ive had the great benefit of his finely honed skills as a diagnostician and an active listener, and his innate humane caring.

Access to Dr. Sal provides me with a level of comfort that reduces the anxieties about health and illness that come with increasing age. Dr. Sal is totally committed to patient care, to healing and to practicing medicine with the highest level of professional standards and ethics. Hes a treasure to his patients and through his efforts on behalf of all of them and their health, hes a treasure to the larger community itself..
