I'm in such good health that I can tap dance at 74! Thank you, Dr. Boehme for continuing to be my doctor!

Member First Name
| February, 7 2014 | for Elizabeth Y. Boehme, MD

Dr Boehme has been my doctor for over 25 years and I have always been grateful for her care and referrals. When she became part of the MDVIP program, I was not sure I wanted to pay the extra money but decided to give it a try since she knew me so well. I am so glad I did, because she is able to spend more time with me for my annual checkup and if I need her in between, I can call or email and I get a response the same day! As long as I can afford the extra fee, I will remain her patient. I'm in such good health that I can tap dance at 74! Thank you, Dr. Boehme for continuing to be my doctor!
