I have been your patient for 20 years and have always had excellent care.

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| February, 23 2014 | for Sarah E. Stapleton, MD
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To Dr Sarah Stapleton
I have been your patient for 20 years and have always had excellent care. Now, as an MDVIP physician, you have more time to spend with me, lab studies are much more detailed, and you are more accessible. Twice when I called the office, you actually answered the phone.

After my most recent annual appointment, my husband, Keeling, looked at the paperwork and lab reports and exclaimed, My doctor doesn't do that for me!

You have been with me through a broken hip from a ski accident and a hip replacement five years later. Also, you doctored Keeling years earlier when he separated his pelvis getting off a ski lift. As you can see from our photo, you did such a good job, that we are still skiing at ages 72 and 77!

Thank you for all your good care, your immediate attention to my needs and requests, and for your friendship.
