He truly is a not just a doctor but a friend.

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for David DiPietro, MD

Dr. DiPietro and I have been together for over 25 years. I was born into the practice where he started and when my original doctors retired, I went with him. He has become a friend as well as my doctor and he concern for my health shows me he truly cares. When he decided to become a MDVIP doctor I was nervous about signing on as a patient. But I did because of Dr. DiPietro and his belief in the system. So I hope that I can continue to afford the program and stay with him, because I trust him whole heartedly. He truly is a not just a doctor but a friend. And to add a note about the staff, they are the greatest. always getting back to me or answering any questions I have and are very courteous.
