He also puts me at ease when discussing health issues.

Member First Name
| March, 22 2018 | for Frederic S. Becker, MD

Dr. Frederic Becker has been my physician for several years (dating back to before he joined MDVIP.) I chose Dr. Becker (and continue to see him) for his thorough knowledge and warm, bedside manner. However, a key experience for me was his assistance in my losing over 70 lbs 2014-2015 and keeping it off since that time. I have a stressful career and often put my health (mental and physical) last on my list of priorities, however Dr. Becker helps ensure I remember to be judicious about my diet, find time to get a few extra walks or bike rides in, and find ways to manage my stress. He also puts me at ease when discussing health issues. Thanks, Dr. Becker!
