Dr Katz is the most attentive doctor ever.

Member First Name
Catherine and Robert
| March, 10 2018 | for Claire P. Katz, MD

It has been a valuable rewarding experience for me to be a patient of Dr. Katz. Her approach is warm and caring, and her attitude and approach to everything is healing itself. So i never hesitate with the slightest thing is wrong that I think she could have some impact on. So I thank you so much for everything, Dr. Katz, mostly thanks for keeping me going
Dr Robert C Preziosi
Dr Katz is the most attentive doctor ever. She has traveled to Bobs and my hospital bed after hours several times. She prescribed the best approaches for us. And we are so much better because of her advice and counsel. We are so grateful. And your staff - Jessica, Andrea , and Millie are the best.
Kitty P.
