Dr Djordjevic has an answer to every question I ask in detail.

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| February, 25 2014 | for Dragan Djordjevic, MD
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Dr Djordjevic has an answer to every question I ask in detail. If he didn't answer so quickly I would think he was reading from his Doctor book or encyclopedia. LOL I really like the details because it helps you understand the problems.
He has helped me thru every crisis I have had any time of the day or night.
Dr Djordjevic make you feel like family he tries everything possible before he recommends a more invasive procedure.
He even helps clean up other Drs messes for example I had a bad dental experience with sever infection's he worked with me to try and clear this up and 2 years later he is still supportive and there for me what ever I need.
My physical this year showed my cholesterol is elevated and DR Djordjevic explained that thru exercise ,diet and weight I may be able to lower my cholesterol so I don't have to take medication. I'm going to work on this really hard for myself and because he motivates me to be a healthier person.
I love my Doctor and MDVIP. It's the greatest concept in medicine and health care.
I'm looking forward to apple picking with my grandchildren for many more years.
