Doctor Laub is a caring professional who places a high priority on the health of his patients.

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| February, 7 2014 | for Edward B. Laub, MD
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Doctor Laub is a caring professional who places a high priority on the health of his patients. His good nature and compassion coupled with his careful and active listening makes it easy to communicate with him. He ensures his advice is carefully matched to the individual needs of each patient. His ministrations do not end at his office door. He makes sure that every patient has 24/7 access to him, by giving all of them his private cell phone number . In this context, he also organizes wellness events such as walking tours of interesting local attractions. I attach a photo of a park ranger in War of Independence costume demonstrating the use of a musket from that period taken during one such visit to Washington Crossing National Park in New Jersey. Everyone looks forward to these activities!. .
